Family Event-2024

After a hiatus due to the pandemic, our company was delighted to host a special event for our employees and their families. The enthusiasm was palpable as a total of 430 people participated.
The event began with a warm welcome from our HR department, who shared the company’s history and the pride we take in our employees. Our team leader followed with insights into his work, making it relatable for the families present. Our Managing Director also delivered an encouraging speech, expressing pride in both our employees and their families.
The atmosphere was made even more joyful by the performances of many children, bringing smiles and laughter to everyone.
Time flew by amidst the enjoyment, and soon it was time for dinner, which started at around 8:15 PM. After a delightful meal, the company distributed gifts to all the families and children, making the evening even more memorable. At the end of the event, our MD sir announced that we would plan more evens like this to encourage our employee.



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